2015 is here! Perhaps you’ve already resigned yourself to the fact that you will gain weight this winter and reverse all your hard-earned success. But what if I told you this year would be different, that you could keep those extra pounds at bay? Winter won’t bring diet-disaster if you are equipped with the right tools and have a plan in place. The power is in your hands. All you have to do is choose not to be naughty this year. smiley

To make this easier, I want to share with you some healthy recipes that align with the goals I teach my patients in my practice. Please remember that you must get organic/GMO free as well as grass fed/free range foods. Please remember to HAVE FUN with cooking! You can add or delete certain spices that you and your family enjoy….please if you have any questions feel free to call the office or email us via this website.

Main Dishes

Side Dishes


Salads & Dressings



Here’s Some Tips to Stay Vibrant Over the Winter Months


With all the parties and family gatherings, it’s inevitable that temptations will arise this time of year. Your best bet to overcome them is to prepare yourself for these bumps in the road. Here are tips to help you avoid the holiday pitfalls:


  • Do not skip meals to save calories or carbohydrates.
  • Eat a protein-packed snack an hour before your holiday meal.
  • Scan the spread before putting anything on your plate. Choose wisely!
  • Set an intention for how you would like to feel after the meal and hold yourself accountable by sharing with a close friend or family member. Or write it in your journal.
  • Start the meal with a soup, fresh vegetables, or a salad, and avoid any refined flour pastries or sweet appetizers to prevent the cycle of craving.
  • Drink two glasses of water with lemon before the meal.
  • Plan an activity to look forward to after the meal—a group walk, visiting with other friends or family, a group game, or playing with younger family members (ie kids…or those of you who fortunately may still act like kidssmiley-face-clip-art-RcGG8gecL). Or try offering to clean up and help your host!



Eat Mindfully:

  1. Take five deep breaths before your meal. Sit next to someone you genuinely find interesting and engage in pleasant conversation.
  2. Appreciate the colors and smells of your food.
  3. Chew thoroughly and slowly.
  4. Put your fork down between bites.
  5. Breathe in through your nose while you eat.
  6. Express gratitude with others before the meal. Later that evening, write about your gratitude in your journal.
  7. Halfway through the meal, put fork down and pause. Take three deep breaths and assess your hunger on a scale of 1-10. Ask yourself how much more you need to eat in order to walk away feeling energized and comfortable. Hint: Usually, this is around “6” or “7.”
  8. Have a trusted friend or family help hold you accountable to your goals.
  9. Begin and end the day by spending some time alone with your thoughts. Journaling is a great activity to help ground your intentions for the day. Use your journal to set goals, express your thoughts and feelings about how the day went, and track what you ate, how much you exercised and how your body felt.
  10.  Most importantly, take time to enjoy healthy, wholesome meals with your friends and family and remember that you can heal your body and mind with each forkful of delicious food you enjoy.